Project Organization

Built for Designers and Artists

Our team is made up of 100% artists, so the program is designed with artists in mind.  If an artist cannot assemble an activity, then the program is not geared to fit the team.

Combined with the open ended UI, we implemented an indirect event system which allows artists to connect up functionality without needing to interact with any code.  This system also allows multiple artists to work in parallel on activities without the need to connect everything directly, as well as organize the events into folders however works best for the project as it evolves.

David McCully profile image

High Definition Render Pipeline

As great as the other pipelines are, the lack of diffusion profiles with subsurface scattering imitations and screen space reflections left a bit to be desired.  With the hyper clean environment of an operating room our scene felt a bit lacking.  We really needed the materials and lighting to pop.

Rolling over to the high definition render pipeline allowed us some quick gains in lighting, and improved diffusion on the organic materials.

David McCully profile image

Prefab Step Spawning

Since a surgery is a long complex process involving many precise steps, it tends to be an extremely linear development process.  This made it difficult for designers to work without being blocked by other parts of the pipeline.

A prefab step spawning system was implemented which allows multiple designers to work simultaneously on separate phases of the surgery.  Each of the phases are spawned in, and out, at runtime for a slightly cleaner and efficient scene.

© 2019 David McCully